Yes, more photos!

Babies in things! How about some babies on things! Or even babies doing things! All adorable, all the time. Mama and her babies are now separated and living their own lives as tired lady and big fat kids on their own. They grew so big and strong on Mama’s milk, so much better than even…

Buns galore!

Buns galore!

It’s every-day-a-bunny season and this past week did not disappoint! Plus Pixie, Victoria and Blossom got released. Bunnies From eyes closed to eyes open, from healthy to injured, it’s definitely NOT primarily possums here right now.  Since I started working on this post, two more cottontails have come in.  Both of these were caught by…

Spring has Sprung, oh boy it has!
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Spring has Sprung, oh boy it has!

9 tiny opossums, 1 newborn armadillo, a small bunny, and 4 recovering adult opossums. I know more are on their way! Winky, named because he has limited vision in one eye, was released in a great area. He will be supported with food and shelter if he desires. Thank you Angel for providing him a…

January 22-February 11, 2024
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January 22-February 11, 2024

The name may be Primarily ‘Possums but some months it’s “…and everything else” This Tufted Titmouse was caught by a cat. After a week of antibiotics, he was released back to his home. This beautiful Cedar waxwing was found grounded in a park. I’m treating him with anti-inflammatory medication and feeding lots of berries! I…

January 15 – January 21, 2024
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January 15 – January 21, 2024

The frigid nighttime temperatures are getting exhausting- it’s not usually this cold (in the teens and 20s) for this extended a period. Dripping faucets, heaters on pipes, down comforters on beds. The opossums stay nice and warm in their Clawsable heated cat houses and I have straw-filled beds set up for any wildlife needing respite….

November 26 – December 3, 2023
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November 26 – December 3, 2023

This week’s update will be a smattering of news bits, with photos, of course! David Crowie David Crowie healed and is released!  Shortly after that photo was taken, he flew off and joined his flock.  What a relief for all involved parties!  He arrived in November with a wing droop and a foot issue.  After…

Cold laser therapy: how I’m using it

Cold laser therapy: how I’m using it

Photobiomodulation is a healing tool used to stimulate cell regeneration, reduce inflammation, and treat pain. I use it to encourage healing of the spinal nerves in my opossum who was attacked by a cat and suffers lower extremity paralysis. It is also known as cold laser therapy. Why is photobiomodulation? Photobiomodulation uses certain ranges of…