About Primarily Possums
Hi! I’m Suzie DeGrasse. I grew up loving nature and being in the wild, finding treasures and delights.
I have a Master’s in Library and Information Science, which has helped me collect and share information and my knowledge. It has also helped me keep track of all my patients!
The journey began in 2014 when I started volunteering at AWARE in Lithonia, GA. There I learned the basics and, with the help of my mentor Tammi Scarbro, acquired hands-on skills like intubating, wound care, safe and proper handling, and fluid therapy. I was also under the tutelage of federally licensed songbird rehabilitator and Zoo Atlanta vet tech Melanie Haire.
In 2015 I received my GA rehabilitation permit and kept on going, adding the Federal songbird permit and the Rabies Vector species permit.
I gravitated towards opossums after meeting some exceptional joeys and learned I have a deep and special relationship with the species.
The name came about before I became a non-profit in 2021. When asked what I care for in my work, I always answered ,” well, primarily ‘possums, but bats and bunnies and oddballs too”. Thus when I incorporated, I knew what to call my organization!
I was interviewed about my work in the local newspaper, the Madison County Journal, in December, 2022. Alison Smith did a great job asking the best questions!
Primarily ‘Possums: Former librarian rehabilitates wildlife
Click here to check out my fun Patreon page! Patreon is an effortless way to support my wildlife rescue and rehab work with a monthly donation- starting as low as $1 month.
An interview with Our Georgia Suburban Homestead on what to do if you find baby wildlife in need.
The Trail Dames Podcast

Our Mission
“To rescue, rehabilitate, release and support the injured and orphaned native wildlife of Northeast Georgia.”
There are several items that we generally need that can not be found on our Amazon or Chewy Wishlist. Please see our supply list and let us know if you have any of these items for donation.
Rehab Supplies Wish List
- Hollow Logs
- Moss
- Sisal Rope
- Large Tubes (From Carpet Roll)
- Home Depot Gift Cards
- Tractor Supply Gift Cards
- Ingles Gift Cards
- Seasonal Garden Bounty
Frequently Asked Questions
What species do you accept?
We accept most small mammals except raccoons and squirrels, with a focus on opossums, bats, bunnies and armadillos.
Do you keep these animals?
No, all of the animals are release to the wild when they are healed from injuries or are old enough.
What should I do when I find an orphaned or injured animal?
Try to safely contain it and call me at 706-255-7395 or go to ahnow.org for a list of rehabbers local to your area.
Where is Primarily Possums Located?
Madison County – Ila, Georgia