November 25, 2024 – December 8, 2024

Sometimes no news is good news. This is fine! There's only been one new intake, #278, a crow with a wing injury. The "quiet season" usually means many more injured animals than that.

Mister or Ms. Crow was involved in a kerfluffle with an owl and then fell a long distance onto the grass. They have a right wing injury, it may be a fracture or it may be a dislocated shoulder. We will know more when we go in tomorrow for imaging and an exam. They are a very good patient with a healthy appetite. I am able to handle them as long as I make friendly talking noises.
Twinkle is finally growing after a short stint with some strange, hyperactive symptoms. She stopped eating much and her weight gain stalled.
The babies are getting almost too big for their cage so I make sure there is plenty of enrichment to occupy them, like this snuffle mat.
They have two wheels to run on and new nest-building materials daily, as well as exciting dinners and plenty of kibble.
The 5 big kids outside have Clawsable heated cat houses and are really enjoying them. They still run on their wheels and climb around for a while at night. The other day I opened the top of one and the smallest female was stretched out on her back, luxuriating.
I received a photo update about Polly Pool, who came in September 23. She was found swimming in a pool and was rescued just in time! The finders have set her up with her own little house and leave out food and water. She is growing and will be a good size by spring. I'm grateful they are making sure she is thriving back at her home location.
Giving Tuesday

For Giving Tuesday I ran a fundraiser with a twist- each person who donated got to suggest a name for the 5 nearly-full-grown juveniles outside.  I have been calling them the 5 Fatties because they are, well, quite rotund.  That is not a very clever or flattering name. 

New names

I received some great suggestions and raised $733!  The name suggestions included: Fats Domino, Fat Tuesday, Fatwa, Chunky Monkey and George, from Lisa Milot.  Scarlet Lewis suggested The Jackson 5, which works perfect for the gender representation- 3 boys and 2 girls (Michael, Tito, Jermaine, Latoya and Janet). 

Everyone got creative

Denise Lockamy suggested the Granite Group, after the granite quarries in our county and surrounding area.  Tiffani Hughes chose The Clancys after her favorite album by Twenty One Pilots. Stacy Land picked the thematic Itsy, Bitsy, Spider, Dewdrop and Rain. Sarah Milteer went the literary direction and picked Wee Timorous Beasties after a line in Robert Burns famous poem.  Kathy Pruett picked The Pack of Priscilla Possums after her daughter!  Shannon Osburn suggested Tipsy, Pinky, Little, Bluey and Gizmo. Another Gizmo came from Sherrie Hines, who also added Gremlin, Stripe, Greta and Mohawk, inspired by the movie Gremlins. 

These may be the winners?

Two funny names came from Maggie Haden- The Marshmallow Marsupials and The Meatballs.  Check back next week for the winning name and some photos of these enormous sweethearts.

That's it for news. Not much! Cage cleaning and kibble replenishing in the morning, spot cleaning and nutritious dinners in the evening. Some running on the wheels, climbing around the cage, and staring out at the world. Everyone is safe and relatively happy, if a little bored. Thanks for reading and see you next week!

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November 25, 2024 – December 8, 2024

Sometimes no news is good news. This is fine! There’s only been one new intake, #278, a crow with a wing injury. The “quiet season” usually means many more injured animals than that. Mister or Ms. Crow was involved in a kerfluffle with an owl and then fell a long distance onto the grass. They

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