March 27 to April 2- intakes and phone calls
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March 27 to April 2- intakes and phone calls

It’s been a fairly busy week between updates on current residents, new baby opossums, and some fun phone calls Miss Fox Miss Fox is with Lori Morgan, an experienced rabies vector species (fox, skunk, raccoon, bobcat) rehabilitator in Gray , Georgia.  My foxy friend and I made the two hour trek to middle Georgia last…

I found an orphaned bunny!  No, you probably didn’t!
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I found an orphaned bunny! No, you probably didn’t!

Raising baby bunnies is hard work for Mama and even harder for rehabilitators. We just can’t adequately replicate Mama’s nutritious milk and good care. The science is getting better but a lot of it is still mysterious and just plain luck. Previous Next Did you just find a nest of orphaned bunnies in your yard? …

opossum walking away into the woods

Goodbye Babies

The final opossum release The time has come to say goodbye babies, to the final release of the year.  I have found this to be the hardest part of rehabbing. Besides the infrequent but sad losses, release is painful. It is when it’s time for them to go on their journey alone.  I have raised…