March 27 to April 2- intakes and phone calls
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March 27 to April 2- intakes and phone calls

It’s been a fairly busy week between updates on current residents, new baby opossums, and some fun phone calls Miss Fox Miss Fox is with Lori Morgan, an experienced rabies vector species (fox, skunk, raccoon, bobcat) rehabilitator in Gray , Georgia.  My foxy friend and I made the two hour trek to middle Georgia last…

close up of a bat's face

Batty about bats

I have to admit, I’m batty about bats! There’s so much to learn about bats and I have only begun my journey.  Bats are remarkably individual.  The babies love to be swaddled and cuddled, and crave physical contact.  This, no doubt, is part of what makes the colony a cohesive group- the need for touch-affirmation…