Winter is the quiet season for wildlife rehabilitators and this February has been like most others. A few injured adults, and a handful of baby squirrels, who will start coming in full force any day now.
An injured crow came in and left for Wild Nest Bird Rehab so quickly I didn’t even get a photo!
Attention! Attention! The first overwintering opossum has been released! The truly living-up-to-his-name Big Brother was released by a creek, in a swampy area, near a neighborhood but far from fast roads.
I’m running a fundraiser right now for portable soft release caging. The ones being used by a rehabber I admire, Wild By Nurture, cost $400 each but can accommodate a medium wheel. They are actually fancy chicken coops! There is a sleeping area and room to safely learn the smells, sights and sounds of the area. Once they’ve acclimated, the door is left open for them to come and go. If they are not ready, they can come back for snack and a safe bed. I would like to raise enough to purchase one to begin with and use if to soft release Blossom and Victoria. Primarily Possums accepts donations via Venmo and Paypal- see links at the top of the page. Note! Both charge me a fee, so a $100 donation ends up being reduced to $96. I’d love to make this happen!