Rehab to release- a happy ending
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Rehab to release- a happy ending

Rehab To Release A wildlife rehabilitator’s goal is to raise animals to the point they can be released: rehab to release is what we call it. But how do we know when the right time is? Each animal has it’s own milestones to reach before we have that happy ending we all strive for. Eastern…

March 27 to April 2- intakes and phone calls
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March 27 to April 2- intakes and phone calls

It’s been a fairly busy week between updates on current residents, new baby opossums, and some fun phone calls Miss Fox Miss Fox is with Lori Morgan, an experienced rabies vector species (fox, skunk, raccoon, bobcat) rehabilitator in Gray , Georgia.  My foxy friend and I made the two hour trek to middle Georgia last…

The intake form-an explanation
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The intake form-an explanation

If you’ve seen my intake form, you may wonder why I ask so many questions!  My intake form is comprehensive and covers all the different species and different situations I receive animals from.  Here’s a little tour for inquiring minds! Rescuer Information I like to highlight the area called “Rescuer Information” because that’s the part…