Capping intakes at 30 (well...31) has made this second round easier to manage. It does mean I have to turn animals in need away, and that hurts. Here's the latest scoop!
Molly and her Beans were released at her home location this week! She quickly exited the carrier hidden under the deck and started sniffing around. The remote camera allowed us to witness this. We were happy she was not scared but curious about being home. The next thing Heather saw on the camera was one Bean running around alone. Then nothing. When she went to check on everyone and give them dinner, Molly was gone…with 4 of her 8 babies. So the last 4 Beans are here with me until they can released. We don’t know if she left them because they were smaller and couldn’t keep up, or if there wasn’t enough room on her back for all 8. They are not happy, having been raised by a wild Mom. They will do fine when released, but hopefully will adjust to being here until then.